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Christmas in July Spiritual Aspect

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:32 am
by Jolly O'Leary
Just out of curiousity, do those of you who celebrate Christmas in July try to put any spiritual aspect to it? Or do you save that for your December celebration and celebrate Christmas in July purely as a fun time?

We have done it both ways. In the past, we have celebrated it merely for fun, but this year, I found several churches online who have Christmas in July services as a reminder that we really don't KNOW when Christ was born and that we are to keep the spirit of his birth, death, and resurrection alive in our lives year round. So this year, we used some of our Advent devotions for evening prayer and I downloaded a liturgy from a church online which we used on July 25 since it fell on a Sunday this year. I love to finish Christmas Day with a video of Bach's Christmas Oratorio anyway, so that was a nice finish to Christmas in JUly as well.

I'd love to know what others do.