1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby kiwidogy_max » Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:13 pm

Happy Halloween everyone! I love this holiday too! I went to a great Halloween Party on Saturday (I was a cowboy... complete with spurs and a cap gun).
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby kiwidogy_max » Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:16 pm

Unfortunately, we didn't get any trick-or-treaters this evening :cry:
That does mean I get a lot I leftover candy though. Maybe my dancing to the Monster Mash, Ghostbusters, and Thriller so ge in the kitchen scared them away...it certainly scared the cat!! :whistle:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby mistletoe misfit » Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:35 am

kiwidogy_max wrote:Unfortunately, we didn't get any trick-or-treaters this evening :cry:
That does mean I get a lot I leftover candy though. Maybe my dancing to the Monster Mash, Ghostbusters, and Thriller so ge in the kitchen scared them away...it certainly scared the cat!! :whistle:

Our youngest would have loved to visit your house. She is fascinated right now by Ghost Busters. :lol:
November 1st and I now have the Christmas clock switched to ON! :snowjump: I am playing Christmas music quietly. :singing: My poor, sweet, Hubby was just shaking his head as he went out the door. :treewiggle:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Pretjah » Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:24 am

tonight at midnight music choice starts playing christmas music !!! YEAH!!!! that means i'll be sleeping to the great sounds of christmas tunes!!!!!
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby CandyKane » Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:18 am

November 1st already! :snowjump:

We had a great time trick or treating last night. One church even had bounce houses set up for the kids. It was the highlight of the evening. Dd got tons of candy. This morning I seperated it. What she doesn't like and what we won't eat I am putting in our Operation Christmas Child boxes. joyelf

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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Jolly O'Leary » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:46 am

Made a quick dash to the store this morning for some "sick" supplies for work and saw both Julkaffe (Christmas coffee) and glögg (mulled wine) in the stores. Christmas is on its way! :elfgrin: :scene:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Pretjah » Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:44 am

it was so nice waking up to christmas music this morning!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Christmas Crazy » Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:51 am

Pretjah wrote:it was so nice waking up to christmas music this morning!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!

Oh shoot! :roll: I forgot that Music Choice was starting their Christmas music today.
I was going to have it playing in the living room when the kids got up this morning.
I'll have it on tomorrow for them.
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby jlcarey » Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:56 am

I LOVE everyone here! You guys (and gals) make me feel a little more sane. Everyone looks at me all crazy when I announce that it is "OFFICIALLY" Christmas season for me...*sigh...why is everyone so reluctant to have a nice long holiday season???? Everyone treats it like it's such a STRESSFUL time...HOW?? How can you possibly view Christmas as a stressful time?? I understand that it's hard when you can't afford all the things that everyone else can, but seriously, that is SO not what Christmas is all about!! I just don't get it I guess...but I'm glad I have CAY so that I can feel like there are other "nutters" out there like me who actually enjoy all of the extra time with family and friends and the festive spirit of this time of year. Merry Early Christmas to you all!! :holly1:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby mistletoe misfit » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:09 am

Hello again jlcarey! :ornwave:
You will always fit in here! :smilecc:
I understand though, nobody, not even my closest friends understand my enthusiasm regarding Christmas! :carolbells:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Jolly O'Leary » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:10 am

jlcarey, that is how we found each other. We are all "nutters". Did you know that they celebrate Christmas starting in September in the Phillippines? so, there is a whole country "nuts" about christmas!
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby mistletoe misfit » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:14 am

I never knew that Tomtemor! Very cool! I guess I wouldn't be considered a "freak" living in the Philippines. Do they start to decorate for Christmas in September?
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby CandyKane » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:20 am

Merry Christmas to you JlCarey! :merrysanta: I'm so glad that you are here. I know exactly what you are saying. It always amazes me how some people can say they hate Christmas time. How stressed they are or how commercial it is. Christmas is what you make of it. If you want to be stressed, you will. The older I get the more the true meaning of Christmas shines through for me. :rabstar:

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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Jolly O'Leary » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:24 am

Tomtemor wrote:jlcarey, that is how we found each other. We are all "nutters". Did you know that they celebrate Christmas starting in September in the Phillippines? so, there is a whole country "nuts" about christmas!

http://emievil.hubpages.com/hub/How-We- ... hilippines

Here is a link about the Philippines. I find more info in personal blogs than other sources.

Happy All souls day! it´s time for a November Christmas!
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Jolly O'Leary » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:36 am

CandyKane wrote:Merry Christmas to you JlCarey! :merrysanta: I'm so glad that you are here. I know exactly what you are saying. It always amazes me how some people can say they hate Christmas time. How stressed they are or how commercial it is. Christmas is what you make of it. If you want to be stressed, you will. The older I get the more the true meaning of Christmas shines through for me. :rabstar:

Actually, I could live without the gift giving. To me, that is stress. I asked my husband what he wanted and he said "I don´t know, if I need something, I buy it". Grrr. but I love the music, movies, and decorations. Those I could live with all year round! :snowwow:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby jlcarey » Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:17 am

Thanks CandyKane, I've always felt so welcome here, and even though I'm not super vocal here, I'm a lurker all year round, lol. I'm on here at least 2-3 times a week, usually at work though, so don't always have time to post, but I appreciate the spirit of everyone here so much! It does my heart good to know that at least SOME people still enjoy the special joy at this time of year without stressing about gift buying and competitive decorating, etc...of course I am a competitive decorator and marathon shopper, but I sure don't STRESS about it, I enjoy every second of it! That whole attitude, though, reminds me of a song that I love because it's so funny. It's called a Christmas Carol by Tom Lehrer. Anyone heard of it?

Jennifer, that's so interesting, I had no idea about the Phillipines. My husband's best friend (who, sadly, lives 10 hours away in Virginia Beach) and his wife are Filipino, and I never had any idea! I'll have to do some more research on that! And I totally agree about the gifts too, it makes me sad every year to watch my Mother-in-Law scramble to check off everyone in the family from her list making sure she has the same amount of gifts for everyone, amassing gifts from clearance sales and picking from the pile what she thinks someone might like. Where's the fun in that? I love picking out that special gift for each person, and her way just totally disregards the thought behind the gift.
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Christmas Crazy » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:38 pm

jlcarey wrote:I LOVE everyone here! You guys (and gals) make me feel a little more sane. Everyone looks at me all crazy when I announce that it is "OFFICIALLY" Christmas season for me...*sigh...why is everyone so reluctant to have a nice long holiday season???? Everyone treats it like it's such a STRESSFUL time...HOW?? How can you possibly view Christmas as a stressful time?? I understand that it's hard when you can't afford all the things that everyone else can, but seriously, that is SO not what Christmas is all about!! I just don't get it I guess...but I'm glad I have CAY so that I can feel like there are other "nutters" out there like me who actually enjoy all of the extra time with family and friends and the festive spirit of this time of year. Merry Early Christmas to you all!! :holly1:

Merry Early Christmas to you too jlcarey!
Even my wife thinks I'm crazy when it comes to Christmas. We both grew up having to wait until after Thanksgiving to start celebrating. But now that I'm older (46), I say heck with that. I'm starting early! And by golly that makes me happy. But she still won't let me decorate early. Oh well. Christmas is in the heart.

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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby mistletoe misfit » Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:26 pm

I just learned that the Toronto Santa Claus Parade will be introducing a new float this year. It is the Mrs. Claus Float. :smilecc:
Eighteen more days till I take my children to the parade so they can experience it live for the first time. :snowwow:
I am just a wee bit excited. :laugh:
I love Christmas!!! :scene:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Jolly O'Leary » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:41 am

jlcarey wrote: Where's the fun in that? I love picking out that special gift for each person, and her way just totally disregards the thought behind the gift.

I agree. For years before I left the US, as the family expanded, I tried to introduce the concept of drawing names. No one in my family had alot of money and as kids got married and grandkids came along, the number of gifts multiplied. I would rather recieve one moderately priced thoughtful gift than 10 things from the dollar store I did not need or could have bought myself. My ideal christmas would have been for the family to go to church together, have dinner, and then go caroling at a rest home or something, but no one ever went for it. Here in Sweden, there is not the buy a gift for everyone you know. Usually, just your household, and maybe kids or grandkids if they live way from you, but in that case, you usually just take a gift when you visit. There is not the overemphasis on shopping. Malls close at 7 pm during the week and 4 pm on weekends year round. No extended hours. Not sure about Ikea, and NK (british department store), they might be the exceptions. I miss the hype of celebrating all month, but not the stress. :shop:
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Re: 1700 Posts By Christmas 2011

Postby Jolly O'Leary » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:48 am

had to go through a mall on the way home last night and I saw Christmas displays going up in the shops. I saw little christmas trees in the jewelry shop and knick knacks being put out in a collectibles store. I want to go look but know I will not be able to afford anything. This year what I really want is some english paper crackers for the christmas day feast, or are they meant for christmas eve? the manager at the british grocery said they had some expensive ones now, get cheaper ones in closer to christmas. I cannot see buying expensive ones, they are one use only right?

Also, keep an eye on the documentary stations for things called Victorian Farm or Edwardian Farm. They are living history programs produced by BBC that put people in these historical living situations for a year. They each had a Christmas episode that was quite interesting. I never thought about how some of these things were made before major manufacturers took them over. Both series were recently shown in Sweden.

Now for the Filippino christmas, from what I read, they start playing music and having television programs in September as a build up to the season. I suppose parties and gift giving starts early so you have time to plan. I know December was a whirlwind of activities and parties if you belong to any civic organizations or clubs, they each have their own party and gift exchange, plus friends, relatives, church events, I can see how spreading it out over 4 months would be a plus! Then you actually ENJOY each event rather than thinking of the next while you are attending one.
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