kiwidogy_max wrote:Unfortunately, we didn't get any trick-or-treaters this evening![]()
That does mean I get a lot I leftover candy though. Maybe my dancing to the Monster Mash, Ghostbusters, and Thriller so ge in the kitchen scared them certainly scared the cat!!
Pretjah wrote:it was so nice waking up to christmas music this morning!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!
Tomtemor wrote:jlcarey, that is how we found each other. We are all "nutters". Did you know that they celebrate Christmas starting in September in the Phillippines? so, there is a whole country "nuts" about christmas!
CandyKane wrote:Merry Christmas to you JlCarey!I'm so glad that you are here. I know exactly what you are saying. It always amazes me how some people can say they hate Christmas time. How stressed they are or how commercial it is. Christmas is what you make of it. If you want to be stressed, you will. The older I get the more the true meaning of Christmas shines through for me.
jlcarey wrote:I LOVE everyone here! You guys (and gals) make me feel a little more sane. Everyone looks at me all crazy when I announce that it is "OFFICIALLY" Christmas season for me...*sigh...why is everyone so reluctant to have a nice long holiday season???? Everyone treats it like it's such a STRESSFUL time...HOW?? How can you possibly view Christmas as a stressful time?? I understand that it's hard when you can't afford all the things that everyone else can, but seriously, that is SO not what Christmas is all about!! I just don't get it I guess...but I'm glad I have CAY so that I can feel like there are other "nutters" out there like me who actually enjoy all of the extra time with family and friends and the festive spirit of this time of year. Merry Early Christmas to you all!!
jlcarey wrote: Where's the fun in that? I love picking out that special gift for each person, and her way just totally disregards the thought behind the gift.
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