Christmas Crazy wrote:Jolly, is that you that Tim Babb mentions in his latest Christmas podcast #36?
Noel+ wrote:Christmas Crazy wrote:Jolly, is that you that Tim Babb mentions in his latest Christmas podcast #36?
Jolly? Are you a Christmas podcast star?
Jolly O'Leary wrote:Swedish customs has imposed a new import tax on us which makes ebay shopping no more Christmas fun! We can still order but I have to figure around an $8 import tax before they will even deliver the packages. Wish we had amazon prime.......
Christmas Crazy wrote:Merry Wassail Wednesday Christmas!!!
Jolly O'Leary wrote:Noel+ wrote:Christmas Crazy wrote:Jolly, is that you that Tim Babb mentions in his latest Christmas podcast #36?
Jolly? Are you a Christmas podcast star?
Yes, I was before that. I used to follow a Slow Walk Down Gilead Lane and was a frequent contributor to that. I was a bit disappointed that he just did not take my word for it, but I guess they have to research everything. I have come to look forward to this Christmas podcast every month to mark Rudolph Day.
Noel+ wrote:Merry Wassail Wednesday Christmas!
Christmas Crazy wrote:Merry Thankful Thursday Christmas!!!
Be blessed my friends.
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