Christmas Crazy wrote:Merry Tinsel Tuesday Christmas!!!
I'm longing for some more Christmas cookies and milk.
It's been a tough day, Christmas friend. Send some of those cookies and milk my way.
Christmas Crazy wrote:Merry Tinsel Tuesday Christmas!!!
I'm longing for some more Christmas cookies and milk.
Jolly O'Leary wrote:Christmas Crazy wrote:Merry Tinsel Tuesday Christmas!!!
I'm longing for some more Christmas cookies and milk.
It's been a tough day, Christmas friend. Send some of those cookies and milk my way.
kiwidogy_max wrote:I received some Virtual Reality goggles for Christmas. I can't wait to try out some Christmas content I found!
Christmas Crazy wrote:Merry Tinsel Tuesday Christmas!!!
I'm longing for some more Christmas cookies and milk.
Noel+ wrote:Merry Tinsel Tuelsdlay Christmas everyone.
CandyKane wrote:This 65 degree day has completely finished off our snow. And the forecast models are now pushing the line of ice farther north so that makes me happy, happy, happy. I love a good Christmas snow but now I'm ready for Spring.
Jolly O'Leary wrote:looking for my annual undecorating snack mix wish we had Christmas m / m's to make it more cheery. Thinking this year to just buy a pretzel mix and be done with it.
Noel+ wrote:About 5am this morning it became evident I have a post-Christmas cold. Dayquil isn't doing it either.
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