OH, NOel, so sorry to hear about the insurance. It is so frustrating. You would think companies would pay more attention to people with multiple claims as they are more likely to be fraudulent than a customer who pays and pays and then after many years has a claim. I hate to say it, but you might consider consulting a lawyer familiar in insurance matters. It does not sound right for them to cancel you just because you have a claim they do not want to pay. Love you clip art as usual!
My first week of fulltime has been tough. I am the grunt of the department and we are moving personnel over from another building on campus so it has been and will be alot of physical labor. I cannot imagine the attitude of some of these phD students who will let the head of the department, a pregnant woman (my supervisor), and me (middle aged and frumpy) do physical labor while they sit in the kitchen having lunch. But I could write a book on phD students and their attitudes of entitlement.
On to happier things. This is Thanksgiving prep weekend at the Lundgren Familj Lägenhet. We will clean out the fridge, do the heavy weekend chores, and change the kitchen curtains. I have been sick the last two weekends and now hubby has it, but I have no mercy. I told him if we do not have Thanskgiving prep, and he is sick next weekend, I am not cooking. It is tough, but we make ALOT more out of it than the average Swede. To those that do not go to church, it is a word on the calendar. To those that go to church, it is a service with wheat and fruits and veggies on the altar and maybe a craft fair afterwards, and no extra time off. If I keep this job in future years I might try for a bit of time off, but we shall see.
The government shut down has most likely delayed Perky´s Visa so we will probably not be going to the US for Thanskgiving. Another reason I want to have a nice one here. I read up on turkeys it is 24 hours for every 5 lbs in the fridge and it can stay there for a couple of days after dethawing. So I will put it in on Wednesday. However, european fridges are about half the size of a US regular fridge, so we have to make room. Will keep you posted!
Merry friday Christmas!