by Jolly O'Leary » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:56 am
Noel+ wrote:There is a trend here - this year - where people are putting their Christmas decorations up inside as they take down their Halloween ones. I prefer Autumn decorations up a bit longer. Have any of you decided to display your Christmas items yet?
Usually, we leave Autumn up until November in Sweden because we have already had thanksgiving and then make a slow transition to Christmas so that all is ready for First Advent. However, in the colder climate where they already have snow I can see the incongruity of having "fall" up when there is snow outside. If I lived in the US, I Think it would depend on what region. In San Antonio, we have to have an "artificial" fall anyway, so my family leaves the fall decorations up until Thanksgiving weekend and then change to Christmas.
Jennifer Lundgren
originally from San Antonio, Texas (USA)
LIfe is one Christmas adventure after another.