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Biggest Cyber Risk

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:57 pm
by Mrs.Claus
I thought this was interesting and something everyone should think about:

Computer users put themselves in danger with this slip. What is it?

Re: Biggest Cyber Risk

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:40 am
by Noel+
Thanks, Mrs C. I must say the article hit home with our family! Time to do some password changing! :flake:

Re: Biggest Cyber Risk

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:13 am
by Jodie
My passwords are similar (not the same) but my log on's are different on every site. This is the only site where I use my first name - all the others I use a different name and not one is a real name, they are made up words or numbers.

I also never save log ins when asked to do so and I delete all cookies etc at the end of each internet session.

I learned this from my oldest son years ago - he got his hands on a hacking program (I think it is called a trojan). He told me to go and log into my bank account - I did so and then he came in and told me what my log in and password was. He used some program that counted my key strokes on the key board.

Now everything is different.

Re: Biggest Cyber Risk

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:36 am
by Merry Sage
I tend to do that, but honestly you have to have passwords for everything now. Its just easier. I use the same name and password for all the Christmas sites.

Nothing I surf is worth a hacker's time though (I shouldn't think anyway) and my husband has come up with several combinations of a very complex password to protect the important stuff. I've had to write it down in a secure place to remember it, its that jumbled! :holly1:

Re: Biggest Cyber Risk

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:11 pm
by Auntie Mistletoe
Santa doesn't even have my passwords. :santagifts: Gotta be safe.

I was under the assumption that most computer users know it isn't a good idea to use names or birthdates of loved ones or to use the same passwords for every log-in registration, but there wouldn't be a warning article about it if that were the case.

:throw: Play safe!

Re: Biggest Cyber Risk

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 1:27 am
by Winterself
good safety meassures...thanks for the link it really hit home.maybe its time for me to change some passwords..i tend to use the same ones cause its easier to remember i do write mine down.but maybe i need to change them now.a few years ago i had to go to ER for some heart problems and they had me as already being at that hospital and i had never in my life been there before.and they had all my infowork place and insurance and everything.turned out i had thown out my insurance card a old one and someone picked it out of the garbage and used it..can you believe that...thank God the insurance had covered it or i would be getting a billed...i since dont have that insurance.but that was scary someone had stolen my id.its scary to think if they are still useing my name for anything else..