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Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:20 pm
by CandyKane
Dear Santa,

I know that by now you are back home resting up from your big trip. My family followed you on the Norad site so I know you must be exhausted. But I just wanted to say Thank You for making 2009 such a magical and memorable Christmas. Dd is convinced that you gave us the snow because it wasn't snowing when she fell asleep Christmas Eve. She was thrilled to see the empty plate and pepsi can, and the bowl that held the grain for the reindeer. And you were especially generous this year. Every kid that I've talked to said that you left them lots of great gifts. I know my family loved all the gifts you left for us. So Thank You Santa for everything.

P.S. Since I have a really big item on my list I thought I would put in my order early. So please Santa could you bring me a 2010 Chevrolet Equinox LT2 AWD in silver ice metallic with black/titanium interior. I know this is asking a LOT, but I'll be good. You know I will. And you don't even have to bring it for next Christmas. Anytime in 2011 will be okay with me. I love you Santa and I'll be waiting for you again next year.

Your old friend,
CandyKane :smilecc:

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:24 am
by Noel+
:smilecc: CandyKane, you put in you request to Santa at reindeer speed! :wink: :smilecc:

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:43 pm
by CandyKane
I learned a long time ago that if I'm going to ask for something big I need to do it WAY early. That way, my sometimes Grinchy hubby has a chance to get used to the idea. :grinch: :elfgrin:

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:51 pm
by Noel+
Hmm.......I think that fits most hubbies. That's not the kind of surprise they like! LOL!

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:57 am
by kiwidogy_max
I hope Santa gets bzck to you with your gift request Candycane...along with low gas prices!! Happy New Year everyone!!

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:59 am
by Noel+
Happy New Year 2010!!!

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:44 pm
by CandyKane
Dear Santa,

Don't forget that tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I would hate for you to get in trouble with your Mrs. :D

Your friend,

ps I still want a new vehicle. :smilecc:

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:36 am
by Noel+

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:16 am
by CandyKane
Dear Santa,

I saw a news report that said you were back home at the North Pole after your vacation in Hawaii. Hope you had a good time. You deserved it!

Your friend,

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:09 pm
by Noel+
Sweet Santa,

Please remember my Celtic relatives in Ireland this coming Wednesday, St. Pattys day. And enjoy some of the fun!

Erin go braugh,
Noel :holly1:

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:22 am
by CandyKane
Dear Santa,
I know I haven't written you in so long. You must be awfully busy right now getting everything ready for this year. Dd is so big now. She's been writing you lots of letters. Everything she wants she tells me HoHo is going to bring it to her this year. We have had a good year and I really don't need anything. I think I'll ask for a smartphone. If I get it this Christmas I'm sure I can have it figured out by the next one. :laugh: Anyway I was just missing you today so I thought I'd write to say hi. Gotta Go.

Your friend,

P.S. I still want my new vehicle. You don't have to worry about it for Christmas. Next Spring will be fine. :D

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:29 pm
by Noel+
Dear Sweet Santa,

Now that it is Autumn worldwide I am certain you are extremely busy in the reindeer barn, toy shop, and gift wrapping departments but I do have a small request.

Where I live it is 105F today with full sun and no clouds. It is difficult to think Autumn, let alone Christmas, for my children when they're wearing shorts to school. Would you please blow on down some northern chill our way?

Thanks for all you do for people across the world every day!

Katrina :holly1:

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:28 am
by kiwidogy_max
Dear Santa,

Thank you for the wonderful gifts you brought me and my family. We loved the time we were able to spend together...the greatest gift of all. Get some rest, please. You did a great job last night. Hope to see you on the golf course this summer.

All my love.

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:40 pm
by Noel+
Dear Mrs. Claus,

While Santa is taking his long winters nap after a hyper-busy Christmas Eve, I just wanted to express my family's thanks to you both. While Santa is on his world-wide travel program, I realize you are left alone to encourage the elves and finish trimming the tree. We appreciate your sacrifice.......and hope Santa saves a cookie just for you!

My family cherishes our time together Christmas Day - it is a precious gift. And presents are very nice, but we know you & Santa worship the true King also. May He bless you with a year of peace!

Tell the elves we appreciate all their creative hard work, and give the reindeer an extra carrot just for being so good.

Until Christmas 2011: God bless your heart

Re: Dear Santa,

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:24 am
by kiwidogy_max
Very well put Noel! Certainly behind every good man there is God, an amazing woman, hundreds of elves, and 8 reindeer. Keep up the inspirational work that you do Santa and Mrs. Claus!!