by Mrs.Claus » Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:35 pm
I was sent this on my Facebook and thought it might be fun to try to figure it out. I've done a little bit of looking and there seems to be quite the debate regarding it. Here it is:
I turn polar bears white
and I will make you cry.
I make guys have to pee
and girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
and normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
and make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Can you guess the riddle?
97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the correct answer?
~ Mrs. Claus ~