Who Am I Riddle

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Who Am I Riddle

Postby Mrs.Claus » Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:42 pm

This is a riddle I used in a previous church's newsletter. So it is a little (okay a lot) more Bible-oriented. It's also a bit long. Take your time trying to figure it out. Not many people get it first guess, unless they've seen it before. I'll keep my eyes open for more riddles and post them when I come across them.

Who Am I?

Adam God made out of dust,
But thought it best to make me first;
So I was made before the man,
To answer God’s most holy plan.

My body God did make complete,
But without arms, or legs, or feet;
My ways and acts He did control,
But to my body gave no soul.

A living being I became,
And Adam gave to me my name;
I from His presence then withdrew,
And more of Adam never knew.

I did my Maker’s law obey,
Nor from it ever went astray;
Thousands of miles I go in fear,
But seldom on the earth appear.

For purpose wise, which God did see,
He put a living soul in me;
A soul from me my God did claim,
And took from me that soul again.

For when from me the soul had fled;
I was the same as when first made,
And without hands, or feet, or soul,
I travel on from pole to pole.

I labour hard by day and night,
To fallen man I give great light;
Thousands of people young and old
Will by my death great light behold.

No right or wrong can I conceive,
The Scriptures I cannot believe;
Although my name therein is found,
They are to me an empty sound.

No fear of death doth trouble me,
Real happiness I ne’er shall see;
To heaven I shall never go,
Or to the grave or hell below.

Now when these lines you slowly read,
Go search the Bible with great speed,
For that my name’s recorded there,
I honestly to you declare.
~ Mrs. Claus ~

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Re: Who Am I Riddle

Postby Noel+ » Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:22 pm

As I read it I pictured an Orca so my answer is: WHALE.

If I'm wrong, have a great laugh! :lol:

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Re: Who Am I Riddle

Postby Mrs.Claus » Fri May 02, 2008 6:50 pm

Well Noel - you've been able to answer right away what usually takes many people weeks if ever to answer. You're super-uber smart! :thumbs:
~ Mrs. Claus ~

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Re: Who Am I Riddle

Postby Noel+ » Sat May 03, 2008 10:04 pm

Nah! I am very visual -- love Orcas -- and the portrait fit the riddle! I love brain teasers and buy a monthly twiser mag! :wink:

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