I had a dream I can't share with anyone else or they think I'm nuts. So, here goes. As stated above, I grew up with Christmas in August as a church missionary project. Well, in my dream, I was an adult in one of the churches I attended as a child, and the Wednesday evening potluck and service was transformed into a Christmas in August party. People were encouraged to bring donations of toiletries, writing supplies, school supplies, etc from the missionaries 'wish' list and place them under the tree, or on a table.
My husband says I am a born administrator because I dream in such detail.
The decorations were those paper table cloths you can get at the dollar store, maybe even starting now, paper chains made by the girls service organization (Girls in Action), there were paper Christmas ornaments on the tree with the names of missionaries and their location on the tree for people to take as they walked in. Garland, and used Christmas cards rounded out the decorations.
The meal consisted of cold ham bought by the church. (It's August in San Antonio, Texas in my dream) The congregation brought cold salads to go with the ham and the church purchased a cake from a bakery for dessert decorated in a christmas motif. (Yes, even in my dream they thought I was crazy). People were encouraged to wear Christmas or hawaiian clothes, or just red and green to add to the festivity. I was wearing a Santa 'camp' shirt with a red tank top and jeans (which we never wore to church in my 'day'

After dinner the program was led by the girls. We sang 'Go Tell it On the Mountain' which I did not even know was a Christmas song until I was in my 30's because we sang it all year round. Then everyone was welcomed and people went around the table reading the names of their missionaries and their locations. and encouraged to pray for them throughout the months until Christmas. Then a scripture was read: Acts 1:8, The Great Commission, and one of the Christmas gospels. A short message was given reminding everyone that we don't really KNow when Christ was born to keep the spirit of Christmas in your hearts all year round, then the service concluded with the mission service hymn 'We've A Story to Tell To the Nations.'
I thank you for your indulgence. Many of these ideas can also be adapted to any civic organization. I hope they inspire someone.
Merry Christmas in August!
Sung Tan Chuk Ha