Noel+ wrote:
Christmas Evening service
Cookies, hot cocoa and bedtime prayers
jwlundgren wrote:Noel+ wrote:
Christmas Evening service
Cookies, hot cocoa and bedtime prayers
I love your routine. What do you do at Christmas Evening Service?
Noel+ wrote:It is a huge blessing and a beautiful way to start Christmas Eve![/color]
jwlundgren wrote:Noel+ wrote:It is a huge blessing and a beautiful way to start Christmas Eve![/color]
Ah...I thought you returned to church on the evening of Christmas Day and wondered how that service was different from either midnight mass or christmas morning worship. Thanks for sharing.
The first year I was in Sweden, my husband was sick Dec. 24-26.Merry Chrstimas and Welcome to Sweden. I sat on the couch, watched midnight mass from Rome and cried. Last year, we went to midnight mass (my first as it was not part of my previous tradition) and it was beautiful. We haven't made it to Julotta yet, MAYBE this year.
Noel+ wrote:Life happens even at Christmas. Last year my Mom was dying and so we all stayed home with her. We watched Christmas communion, took it with her, and made our last memories.
SimplySarah wrote:My daughter is two this year and it has been fun passing down the traditions that I used to do as a little girl. Cutting down a real Christmas tree, making Christmas cookies, the advent calendar, etc. It has really made this year very meaningful and fun. It brings a whole new light to Christmas
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