jwlundgren wrote:Hubby has another interview this Friday for a fulltime job! We have mixed feelings as it is a two hour commute each way, but we might eventually move there if he gets it!
Praying for God´s direction. He really likes the part time job and hopes it could turn into full time. When it rains it pours! Asking for prayers from all my Christmas friends!
ChristmasCrazy wrote:OK. Did I mention I LOVE Christmas!
ChristmasCrazy wrote:I LOVE Christmas!
Pretjah wrote:oh man...christmas decorating plans are taking shape
the christmas village is still causing me concern though....do i put it in the kitchen like my wife wants
CandyKane wrote:Thanks for the parade info Pretjah, but I think I'll wait and just get suprised when I tune in. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is a tradition for my family. It's not really Christmas until I see Santa at the end of the parade.
Pretjah wrote:however i like having it uop the weekend before thanksgiving (or sooner if the urge hits) so the tree can be up while we are watching the parade.
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