tinseltown wrote:Thanks Noel christmas cheer has helped May your day be filled with christmas cheer as well
Tomtemor wrote:http://higherthings.org/reflections/lent2012/2012-03-25.html
A Christmas devotion in March for my Christmas friends.
Christmas Crazy wrote:Jag tänkte bara.
Här är vi, i slutet av mars.
Tre månader tidigare Jul och bara fyra månader till tills Hobby Lobby börjar lägga ut sina Juldekorationer mera
I slutet av juli har blivit min "Start av Julen".
Jul juice kan flöda hela året. Men de börjar koka när Julen närmar sig.
(I was just thinking.
Here we are, near the end of March.
Three months past Christmas and only four more months till Hobby Lobby starts putting out their Christmas decorations!
The end of July has become my "Start of the Christmas season".
Christmas juices may flow all year. But they start to boil when Christmas gets closer.)
Noel+ wrote:Yes, Christmas Crazy, on this site Christmas in July is the start of the holiday season! We share our celebrations and post pictures too!
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