Jolly O'Leary wrote:Perky got an early Christmas present today. His contract will be renewed in February with a pay raise. Not sure if it will be a permanent contract, another 6 months or a year, but it is a step in the right direction.
ksrjreed wrote:Just finished our traditional Thanksgiving Eve viewing of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles and I have to say I believe that movie gets funnier every time I watch it, now to get ready for a busy day tomorrow of food, family, football, and being thankful that I live in a country that allows me the freedoms that I have and gives me the ability to have the love of Christmas that I have.
Jolly O'Leary wrote:Just talked to my parents.My father has already put up the Christmas tree and taken the snow men out of storage. They are getting ready for christmas!
ksrjreed wrote:Just finished our traditional Thanksgiving Eve viewing of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles and I have to say I believe that movie gets funnier every time I watch it, now to get ready for a busy day tomorrow of food, family, football, and being thankful that I live in a country that allows me the freedoms that I have and gives me the ability to have the love of Christmas that I have.
Christmas Crazy wrote:Merry Friday Christmas!!!
.............. Only 26 days till Christmas! ..............
Christmas Crazy wrote:Glad to hear everyone is getting involved in Christmas activities.
Wednesday I watched "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving".
Then on Thursday we had Thanksgiving dinner, then put up the tree and the kids and I decorated the outside of the house. We were the only bright spot in the neighborhood so far.
Today I'm nursing a cold and getting ready to do my stretching exercises for my shoulder.
I hope everyone is having a magnificent day!!!
Jolly O'Leary wrote:ksrjreed wrote:Just finished our traditional Thanksgiving Eve viewing of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles and I have to say I believe that movie gets funnier every time I watch it, now to get ready for a busy day tomorrow of food, family, football, and being thankful that I live in a country that allows me the freedoms that I have and gives me the ability to have the love of Christmas that I have.
That is a great movie. I had it recorded from TV in the US and must say I was shocked when I saw the DVD version. Next up is Christmas Vacation!
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