by Jolly O'Leary » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:07 am
Good Sunday Morning Christmas friends! Yesterday was busy moving stuff from the downstairs storage to the storage at the new place. Today the "vultures" come to see the current apartment. I really do not like this system of having to show your own place. We have to pay double rent for 3 months whether someone takes it or not, so we really do not care what they think. Perky has to check on the electricity at the new place. So far we have bought a new couch, and will need to buy a free standing fridge and probably a new kitchen table. The new fridge is less than half size as in a small top half and wooden shelves on the bottom, no freezer like we have now. It is just enough for beer and alcohol so Perky is calling it the "party fridge". A nice "extra" but not practical as your main fridge. I do not like the way these unexpected expenses are adding up, but thankfully God provided in advance. After the double rent period we will have a good chance to save some money back up for a US vacation if Perky´s visa is EVER approved. Had our celebration dinner for Perky´s full time contract yesterday. Woohoo!
Jennifer Lundgren
originally from San Antonio, Texas (USA)
LIfe is one Christmas adventure after another.