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Postby Jolly O'Leary » Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:14 am

We have been watching Danger Man on the computer during dinner lately and saw a Christmas episode this weekend!
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Postby Noel+ » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:07 pm

kiwidogy_max wrote::shop: I finally was able to give one last Christmas present this evening...a block of Vermont Cabot cheese to my girlfriend's mother. It was supposed to be given to her on Christmas Day, but in the hustle and bustle of running around I forgot it in the fridge.

The best Christmas joy is in giving! :D

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Postby Noel+ » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:10 pm

Jolly O'Leary wrote:Perky said that since our usual week of Christmas in July will be spent in Ireland, we can have Christmas in July the following week too. I told him he was setting a precedent for Christmas in July being two weeks. He said "yes". I said next you will want Christmas in July to last until Christmas in August and call it Summer Christmas. He said no that was too much. I am glad, Christmas in August loses its fun with no break in between.

You are doubling your Christmas in July fun. Sounds like a plan to me! :wink:

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Postby Noel+ » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:11 pm

Jolly O'Leary wrote:
Jolly O'Leary wrote:
kiwidogy_max wrote:It's hard to believe it is the 25th of January already. Merry January Christmas!!!

Merry January Christmas, one day late. Happy January Boxing Day?

This reminds me, I used to have a friend that on every 25th of the month would either watch a Christmas movie or play a Christmas CD. :whistle:

Like our Merry Christmas Friday tradition started by Christmas Crazy! :D

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Postby Christmas Crazy » Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:41 pm

Jolly O'Leary wrote:
Jolly O'Leary wrote:
kiwidogy_max wrote:It's hard to believe it is the 25th of January already. Merry January Christmas!!!

Merry January Christmas, one day late. Happy January Boxing Day?

This reminds me, I used to have a friend that on every 25th of the month would either watch a Christmas movie or play a Christmas CD. :whistle:

I've heard the 25th of each month referred to as "Rudolph Day". There is even a web site, But it has not been updated in 2 1/2 years.
There are a few others that deal with organizing for Christmas:
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Postby Noel+ » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:33 pm

Christmas Crazy wrote:
Jolly O'Leary wrote:
Jolly O'Leary wrote:
kiwidogy_max wrote:It's hard to believe it is the 25th of January already. Merry January Christmas!!!

Merry January Christmas, one day late. Happy January Boxing Day?

This reminds me, I used to have a friend that on every 25th of the month would either watch a Christmas movie or play a Christmas CD. :whistle:

I've heard the 25th of each month referred to as "Rudolph Day". There is even a web site, But it has not been updated in 2 1/2 years.
There are a few others that deal with organizing for Christmas:

Fun & helpful links CC. Thanks :D

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Postby kiwidogy_max » Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:40 am

I love the idea of doing something related to Christmas each 25th throughout the year. It also may be a good way to spread out your holiday spending by getting stocking stuffers and gifts monthly instead of all at onceS. It may make for a less stressful holiday for some.
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Postby Jolly O'Leary » Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:32 am

kiwidogy_max wrote:I love the idea of doing something related to Christmas each 25th throughout the year. It also may be a good way to spread out your holiday spending by getting stocking stuffers and gifts monthly instead of all at onceS. It may make for a less stressful holiday for some.

Great Christmas Ideas on those websites.

Hubby had a horrible day at work yesterday. So bad I told him he could quit today. We can live about 3 months on what we have saved now and unemployment kicks in after 52 days. Praying for a much better day for him and that the new ambassador had just had a rough journey and was not showing her best self yesterday.
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Postby Noel+ » Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:24 am

kiwidogy_max wrote:I love the idea of doing something related to Christmas each 25th throughout the year. It also may be a good way to spread out your holiday spending by getting stocking stuffers and gifts month
instead of all at onceS. It may make for a less stressful holiday for some.

We do shop all year. We have a large family across the country. So we shop bargains we know will bless others. It helps keep Christmas in my heart always.

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Postby Noel+ » Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:25 am

Jolly O'Leary wrote:
kiwidogy_max wrote:I love the idea of doing something related to Christmas each 25th throughout the year. It also may be a good way to spread out your holiday spending by getting stocking stuffers and gifts monthly instead of all at onceS. It may make for a less stressful holiday for some.

Great Christmas Ideas on those websites.

Hubby had a horrible day at work yesterday. So bad I told him he could quit today. We can live about 3 months on what we have saved now and unemployment kicks in after 52 days. Praying for a much better day for him and that the new ambassador had just had a rough journey and was not showing her best self yesterday.

Saying a prayer for Perky today.

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Postby kiwidogy_max » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:42 am

Jolly, I hope things went better for your husband at work. I just finished a job application before I head of to bed. I am keeping my fingers crossed and trying to keep the good vibes of Christmas in my heart for this positive change.
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Postby kiwidogy_max » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:43 am

I hope that no matter where you are tonight, that you have a warm and safe evening. It is snowing here which made for an interesting commute home today. Christmas blessings to you all.
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Postby kiwidogy_max » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:44 am

Noel, I shop all year too. I just have to remember where I hide them all when Christmas rolls around.
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Postby Noel+ » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:51 am

kiwidogy_max wrote:Noel, I shop all year too. I just have to remember where I hide them all when Christmas rolls around.

:lol: I've done that too Kiwi!

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Postby Noel+ » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:52 am

kiwidogy_max wrote:Jolly, I hope things went better for your husband at work. I just finished a job application before I head of to bed. I am keeping my fingers crossed and trying to keep the good vibes of Christmas in my heart for this positive change.

Hoping the right door opens for you Kiwi. :D

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Postby Noel+ » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:53 am

Jolly how was Perkys' Tuesday?

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Postby Mrs.Claus » Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:42 pm

Merry Christmas!

I just want to thank you to everyone who keeps this forum going, especially Noel! Without her CAY would not be the warm, cozy, safe place that it is. Noel - you Rock!!!
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Postby Jolly O'Leary » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:27 am

Yay! We're back and just in time for our Trollvinter Cruise to Finalnd! Hubby resigned his job and is on vacation until the end of the month. Then he has to wait 52 Days to get unemployment by Swedish law. He has been applying for jobs, got one call from a recruiter, and a few turn downs, but the process is just beginning. I will have a job at least until June and hopefully until the end of the year when my department combines with Another at the University. I am hoping I might even have a job after that but it is too soon to tell. Meanwhile, Glad Trollvinter!

Here is where we are going! If you have seen The Moomin cartoon series, the theme park is based on that and Trollvinter is the Finnish Midwinter (actually the middle of Winter instead of the Winter solstice). I posted a few eps on my facebook page, but you can find them on YouTube as well. It feels like an extension of Christmas!
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Postby Noel+ » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:29 am

Our forum is back thanks to Mrs. Claus. :D It feels like Christmas morning.

Lets have fun sharing & catching up with one another. :smilecc:

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Postby Noel+ » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:33 am

Jolly O'Leary wrote:Yay! We're back and just in time for our Trollvinter Cruise to Finalnd! Hubby resigned his job and is on vacation until the end of the month. Then he has to wait 52 Days to get unemployment by Swedish law. He has been applying for jobs, got one call from a recruiter, and a few turn downs, but the process is just beginning. I will have a job at least until June and hopefully until the end of the year when my department combines with Another at the University. I am hoping I might even have a job after that but it is too soon to tell. Meanwhile, Glad Trollvinter!

Here is where we are going! If you have seen The Moomin cartoon series, the theme park is based on that and Trollvinter is the Finnish Midwinter (actually the middle of Winter instead of the Winter solstice). I posted a few eps on my facebook page, but you can find them on YouTube as well. It feels like an extension of Christmas!

:D Enjoy Trollvinter Jolly. Keeping Perky in prayer for a new job & your job continuance. We need another Christmas miracle. :wink:

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