Jolly O'Leary wrote:Merry Friday Christmas! I survived my work Conference. Many people liked the location because it is a spa, but overall it was too hot for my taste. Swedes love heat. This Texas efl has had enough heat in her Life. I love the Cold. Looking forward to a weekend reconnecting with Perky and the cats. Perky needs a chicken pox vacine yesterday, so we will do that on Saturday and either go out for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow. Zoe is waiting in bed where I am heading after a shower. Had to change rooms at the Conference center due to a bug matter how many times I shower, it's never enough. Bugs and I are not Christmas friends.
Jolly so glad your conference experience is finished. I'm with you on preferring cold over heat. My sister swears I'm Elsa in FROZEN. Enjoy resting at home where it is Christmas fun!