CandyKane wrote:I saw on the news where a new study shows 3 out of 5 Americans will be cutting back and spending less this Christmas. Are you one of them??
Noel+ wrote:My life motto on Christmas:
Christmas Crazy wrote:CandyKane wrote:I saw on the news where a new study shows 3 out of 5 Americans will be cutting back and spending less this Christmas. Are you one of them??
Not us. We actually were able to budget more money for this Christmas.
If we weren't on a written monthly budget, Christmas would be a financial disaster every year.
Thank you Dave Ramsey!
End of my commercial.
Christmas Crazy wrote:CandyKane wrote:I saw on the news where a new study shows 3 out of 5 Americans will be cutting back and spending less this Christmas. Are you one of them??
Not us. We actually were able to budget more money for this Christmas.
If we weren't on a written monthly budget, Christmas would be a financial disaster every year.
Thank you Dave Ramsey!
End of my commercial.
CandyKane wrote:I'm finally over Frosty but now I'm stuck on Rudolph Have a holly jolly Christmas
CandyKane wrote:I'm finally over Frosty but now I'm stuck on Rudolph Have a holly jolly Christmas
Jolly O'Leary wrote:We are saving for our next trip to Texas and still recovering from hubby's recent unemployment. Christmas presents for him will probably include more work clothes with his pants professionally hemmed. I am embarrassed to send him out the door with my hack jobs any more. I so wish I had paid attention to my mother and gradmother when they sewed. It never occurred to me I would have to do this stuff myself. For myself, I don't care. I am looking forward to our Christmas lunch Cruise and hopefully a Boxing Day Cruise. That's enough Christmas present for me.
Jolly O'Leary wrote:We are saving for our next trip to Texas and still recovering from hubby's recent unemployment. Christmas presents for him will probably include more work clothes with his pants professionally hemmed. I am embarrassed to send him out the door with my hack jobs any more. I so wish I had paid attention to my mother and gradmother when they sewed. It never occurred to me I would have to do this stuff myself. For myself, I don't care. I am looking forward to our Christmas lunch Cruise and hopefully a Boxing Day Cruise. That's enough Christmas present for me.
Noel+ wrote:Jolly O'Leary wrote:We are saving for our next trip to Texas and still recovering from hubby's recent unemployment. Christmas presents for him will probably include more work clothes with his pants professionally hemmed. I am embarrassed to send him out the door with my hack jobs any more. I so wish I had paid attention to my mother and gradmother when they sewed. It never occurred to me I would have to do this stuff myself. For myself, I don't care. I am looking forward to our Christmas lunch Cruise and hopefully a Boxing Day Cruise. That's enough Christmas present for me.
It's not the presents under the tree but the people around the tree that make Christmas a joy!
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