by Jolly O'Leary » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:31 am
Merry Friday Christmas and the First Friday of the Official Christmas Season! Yesterday was one of those days you go to work and by the end of the day the world has changed. Both Perky and I were informed of upheavals at work. For me, it is way too soon to see the exact affects yet. For Perky: he will be dividing his time between his current school and another school in Stockholm managed by the same company. While this might cause a bit of stress we are excited because 1) if means he does not actually have to teach, something he likes but is not qualified or comfortable doing, 2) it is an English/Swedish school, 3) in a much better area of Stockholm. We are hoping that in the long run it might workout that he can transfer to the new school permanently, but too soon to tell. Keep those Christmas prayers coming.
Jennifer Lundgren
originally from San Antonio, Texas (USA)
LIfe is one Christmas adventure after another.