Christmas Crazy wrote:After an hour delay at the surgery center, my surgery has been rescheduled for next Tuesday. Can you believe the air conditioner went out in the O.R.?
They gave me a $50 gas card and sent me home.
Oh well, We'll try again next week.
ksrjreed wrote:iHeart Christmas always helps me get through the day.
Noel+ wrote:Christmas Crazy wrote:After an hour delay at the surgery center, my surgery has been rescheduled for next Tuesday. Can you believe the air conditioner went out in the O.R.?
They gave me a $50 gas card and sent me home.
Oh well, We'll try again next week.
God must be protecting you somehow Christmas Crazy. You are prayed up ahead of time.
Noel+ wrote:Here's a little wacky fun Christmas tune for today:
Christmas Crazy wrote:After an hour delay at the surgery center, my surgery has been rescheduled for next Tuesday. Can you believe the air conditioner went out in the O.R.?
They gave me a $50 gas card and sent me home.
Oh well, We'll try again next week.
Jolly O'Leary wrote:Christmas Crazy wrote:After an hour delay at the surgery center, my surgery has been rescheduled for next Tuesday. Can you believe the air conditioner went out in the O.R.?
They gave me a $50 gas card and sent me home.
Oh well, We'll try again next week.
CandyKane wrote:Woohoo! I just saw my first Christmas commercial. It was for the Points of Light Outdoor lighting.
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