CandyKane wrote:Noel+ wrote:We are on the road again almost like Christmas Past! We are traveling northwards to camp in the beautiful forests and hope to see signs of Autumn foliage! I love camping outdoors although there are some cabin-loving protesters who may change those plans. Anyway, we can grill outdoors, watch the animals, fish, hike and enjoy a gorgeous sunset all weekend long. And as we travel we'll be singing Christmas carols all the way!!
Enjoy your Christmas cool weather and beautiful scenery. And of course, your family time.
Noel+ wrote:Jolly O'Leary wrote:Merry Friday Christmas!
Jolly we are wishing you & Perky a great American Labor Day weekend! Hope you have some fun outings planned including a little early Christmas shopping!
Christmas Crazy wrote:Michelle and I are a couple of Christmas dopes.
We drove two hours to Stone Mountain just to realize that the festival doesn't start until next week.
And I think we're busy next week. So we won't be able to go this year.
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