Olympic Protests

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Olympic Protests

Postby Mrs.Claus » Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:53 pm

Have you read/heard about the protests happening while the torch is being carried around the world? I couldn't believe it when France actually put the flame out to protect the runner. Here are a couple links about the story:

China turns patriotic wrath on Olympics demonstrators

Olympic Torch Touches Down in San Francisco
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Re: Olympic Protests

Postby Noel+ » Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:14 pm

Ironic isn't that the games organized tio exclude the politics of nations while promoting good will is marred by the politics of Olympic nations! :snowball:

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Re: Olympic Protests

Postby Mrs.Claus » Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:45 pm

Sometimes I just wish we (people in general) could all just get along. :scene:
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Re: Olympic Protests

Postby Jodie » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:13 pm

It is sad isn't it, that politics has to be bought into it.

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Re: Olympic Protests

Postby Merry Sage » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:48 am

We saw some footage of the fiasco in London here. I don't blame people for being upset. Murdering Buddhist monks is just not on. I suppose it shows how much peoples' attitudes are changing that countries like the former Soviet Union were able to host the Olympics without the same level of upheaval.

Going on the environmental factor alone, I don't understand how on earth China managed to get the Games. If I were an athlete I'd not be looking forward to trying to compete in such poor air.

As for the Olympics being about politics, there's really nothing new there. Hitler really got the ball rolling with that aspect. Let's not forget the past scandals of governments offering their athletes cash for medals and the doping thats gone on forever.

Having said all that, I still think its one of the greatest and most commendable events in modern human history. I'm very proud of the people who've participated on behalf of my native country, Canada. You work very hard for many years to achieve Olympic standard. The negative stuff aside, its important to support and recognise your athletes.
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Re: Olympic Protests

Postby Winterself » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:34 pm

sad what the politics is bringing now..cant they stay out of everything....
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Re: Olympic Protests

Postby Auntie Mistletoe » Mon May 05, 2008 8:17 pm

The most memorable Olympic event in my opinion was the Olympics that followed after 9-11. I watched more events that summer than I ever had before and I watched the Nations parade with their flags and athletes and it felt like everything was connected and the circle of peace could not be broken or beaten or scared off. I was nearly in tears during the grand finale celebration because as Christmas does, it yielded for me, some chance of a gentler world.

Merry S - I'm not planning on attending the Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2010, I would never be able to decide which event I'd want to attend and I find I can see so much more from home and I'm not terribly fond of large crowds.
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Re: Olympic Protests

Postby Noel+ » Wed May 07, 2008 10:46 pm

The fact the Olympics endure through wars is a lasting tribute to the hope for peace!

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