kiwidogy_max wrote:Noel, healthy Christmas blessings for a speedy recovery from your cold on the way.
Christmas Thanks Kiwi. So far it seems to be keeping me down but we elves are tougher than a virus.
kiwidogy_max wrote:Noel, healthy Christmas blessings for a speedy recovery from your cold on the way.
Noel+ wrote:Today I am staying home with my Christmas jammies, Kleenex and more Dayquil.
Christmas Crazy wrote:I went to my back surgeon for a follow up today and everything is looking good. I have to call back this afternoon (after they review my Xrays) to see if I can start driving again. I'm off work for at least another 5 weeks. Hopefully I can go back to work after that. This Christmas Elf is ready to get back to a normal routine.
Jolly O'Leary wrote:Merry Friday Christmas! Glad Knut's Dag! Happy Friday the many things to celebrate today. Today is the official last day of Christmas. Perky is taking down the balcony lights and we will "undecorated" over the weekend. I was going to wear my red "aloha kitchen" t shirt today as a looking forward to Christmas in July but it's too cold, so I am wearing a long sleeve "Texas" shirt. Hope all my friends have a great last day of Christmas! Many daycares and preschools are having the last Christmas party of the season and in years past it was common to "throw out the tree" (literally even out the window though this is now illegal. Occassionally you see one on the ground that has been "thrown out" the old way). I'll post clips later if I find any funny ones.
Christmas Crazy wrote:I called the doctors office this morning and they said I can drive now. Short distances only though.
YES! Freedom!!!
This Christmas elf is very happy today.
Noel+ wrote:Today I am staying home with my Christmas jammies, Kleenex and more Dayquil.
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