by Jolly O'Leary » Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:46 am
Noel+ wrote:Christmas Crazy wrote:This Christmas Elf is not feeling so well today. I've got a bad head cold and it kept me up all night. I only worked half a day yesterday and really debated whether or not to go to work today. But I'm here and we'll see how long I can last. Hoping for the best.
I hope you do not have the cold virus going around the midwest/south.
It lasts almost 3 weeks long with long coughing spells. Take care my Christmas friend.
Sounds like a Swedish cold. What is usually a one week sickness in the US lasts 3 weeks here. I have a friend from China who said the same thing. (about China).
Happy Rudolph Day! I was not awake when I got dressed today so I forgot my Rudolph socks. But next Rudolph Day we will be in Texas! It will feel a bit like Christmas!
Jennifer Lundgren
originally from San Antonio, Texas (USA)
LIfe is one Christmas adventure after another.