Here's how to add an image to your signature. (Please do not post copyrighted materials. Most film pictures are free to display and there are many public domain pictures too.) Here is a detailed step-by-step list for both those who may not not know phpbb system and those who do.
Step 1 - Go into your User Control Panel.
Step 2 - Click on the Profile tab.
Step 3 - Click on the side Edit Signature tab.
Step 4 - add - Code: Select all
[img]link to image[/img]
to the signature box. To make it a clickable link do this: - Code: Select all
[url=link to page][img]link to image[/img][/url]
Example: Add this: - Code: Select all
and you get this in your signature:

Adding a link example: - Code: Select all
and it will look like this:

If you click the above image it will take you to the main Christmas All Year site.
Step 5 - Preview to make sure it looks okay. Make changes, if needed, and preview again
Step 6 - Click Submit.
****VERY IMPORTANT****Please do not hotlink to an image, unless the website specifically says you can. What is hotlinking? It is considered stealing bandwidth. Bandwidth theft or "hotlinking" is direct linking to a website's files (images, video, etc.). An example would be using an <IMG> tag to display an image you found on someone else's web page so it will appear on your own site, journal, weblog, forum posting, etc. by linking to their site. (ie "http://site found graphic/image" should be "http://my image host/image")
A simple analogy for bandwidth theft: Imagine a random stranger plugging into your electrical outlets, using your electricity without your consent, and you paying for it. Definition and more information at
Check out
Image Hosting topic to find places where you can store graphics.