Noel+ wrote:The Christmas gremlins have put a wrench in our tv viewing. This morning our Directv box and remote both stopped working. I called customer service,
was on the phone an hour, and followed all their directions to no avail. They charge $98 to send out a service technician tomorrow with new box and remote. Our remote, in the past, could be replaced at Walmart. Now AT&T makes you order it direct from them at higher cost of course. Christmas is the worst time of the year to be without television.
Tonight I will miss Hallmark's National Christmas Tree Lighting coverage and several Food Network holiday baking shows. Hopefully by tomorrow night it will be working again.
I think we are tv spoiled this time of year.
They must be grinches working for Direct TV. Another friend had the same problem. She wanted to know why she had to pay for repairs when she rented the equipment but did not own it. Hope you get it worked out Christmas friend!