Christmas Crazy wrote:Jolly O'Leary wrote:Got my Rudolph socks out for tomorrow's Rudolph Day. Now I just have to remember to put them on! One more Rudolph Day closer to Christmas!
Put your makeup inside of them. You'll remember to put them on in the morning.
Tomorrow we mark off another Christmas milestone.
Not really , I do my makeup when I get to work. Lacking the space for a real dresser at the North Pole, either I do my makeup at the kitchen table or my desk. Those extra minutes getting out the door make alot of difference when one must rely on public transportation to get to work. I did, however, remember to wear my socks and will check on the Can't Wait for Christmas podcast later. If he releases on the 25th and not early, sometimes I have to wait due to the time differential.
Hope everyone has a great Rudolph Day, Merry Friday Christmas, and happy Memorial Day Weekend. It is Mother's Day in Sweden so we will go plant the cemetery garden on Saturday and get our shots for the road trip. We have a tick that carries TBE (tick based encephalitis). Getting shots is no Christmas fun!