What did you do today?

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Noel+ » Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:49 pm

Just a sweet quiet holday - Columbus Day - of rest! Yay! :smilecc:

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Mrs.Claus » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:12 am

Today has really just begun so haven't done a whole lot yet, but yesterday was busy.

It was school for everybody (except work for hubby), so we had quite a full day. Hubby came home early and went walked over to the polling station to cast our vote - Canadian Federal Election. Then walked from there to McDonald's and then home. We left around 7pm and came back just before 9. It was such nice walking weather - the kids really enjoyed being out and about walking with Daddy - they always walk with Mom, so it was a real treat for them. Although I think he walked a bit too fast (can't enjoy the time walking quickly), but he said we needed to wear off our dinner. :wink:
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Merry Sage » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:27 am

Are you pleased with Harper getting back in there Mrs C.? I don't live in Canada right now, but hope to be back early next year, and he seems no worse than the others. Good luck to him and anyone who's running for public office these days. What a mess they all have to contend with.

I've had a busy-ish day, though unintentionally. Had a bit of a sleep in this morning. Not something I normally do as I tend to have really weird dreams at that time and I wake up very out of sorts because of it.

Got a pot of chilli and one of lamb casserole going. Went for a very long walk (that's the unintentional part) as I wanted to check out a store I'd not used before. I'm sorry to say their advertising in no way reflects reality. At least not at this particular outlet. But I did enjoy the walk. Its nice to go further than you would normally and though the store was a disappointment, I think I'll do that distance again.

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Mrs.Claus » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:34 am

This election was very strange for me. Usually I'm right on top of everything, but this year we had one person come to our door, no flyers (until the weekend and we were away), and just no one really stood out. I'm not sure why Harper called the election as he only got a few more seats and we still have a minority government. I think it's good that it's still Conservative at the moment, just because of the times. I don't tend to lean toward any particular party, I like to check out the people in my riding first and then look at the party policies closer. So I'm one of those "swing" type voters, you never know who I'll vote for. :whistle:
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Merry Sage » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:48 am

Well it was a pretty short campaign wasn't it. Five weeks or something like that. I hope they all settle down to work now tho. Elections are costly and the usual business of running the country doesn't get done while their swanning about the place, singing their own praises. :D
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Noel+ » Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:30 am

This was a quiet day of rest. My brother arrived tonight. Tomorrow, for the first time, we're going to the Veterans' cemetary to see the plague/place where Dad's ashes are held. It is time for Mom.........time for all of us.........and my brother is going to drive Dad's car. We're moving forward little by little as Mom can bear the weight of grief. :flake:

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby mistletoe misfit » Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:07 pm

Celebrating our youngests 4th Birthday. We are having her party on Saturday, but she opened her gifts from us today. We gave her the Sleeping Beauty Barbie doll. She has barely put it down. This was the only thing she asked for, other then the walking horse you can buy separately to go with it. We will get that for Christmas for her.
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Merry Sage » Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:49 am

Sounds like a fine party Mistletoe! Happy Birthday to your little girl! :balloons:

I didn't do much yesterday. Feel like I'm coming down with a cold, so other than running an errand, I pretty much slugged it all day. Have to get it in gear today to make up for it though. Even though I'd rather be
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Noel+ » Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:33 pm

Work, work, and more work. It'll be 21 days before I have finally have 2 days off again on the weekend. I cant wait for November 8, 9 -- then I'm taking off Monday 11/10 and have 11/11 holiday off. Now all I need to do is hold out that long before I collapse! :peekleaves2:

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Jodie » Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:24 am

It is Saturday here in Australia so I went out and got the final stuff to make all the Christmas cakes and puddings - I will start them tomorrow and bake one cake and one pudding each weekend until they are all done. I love doing these, I put on Bing's White Christmas CD and sing along while I bake - It really makes it feel like Christmas.

I also have all my sisters, BIL and their kids presents all over the table ready to wrap and send up to them.

My sister sent all of ours down last week - talk about organised.

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Noel+ » Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:57 pm

Work...........another 60+ hr week..........and I just can't wait til Nov 8 because I have that weekend off! Christmas is coming and I have so much shopping to do!!!

QVC had a Christmas tree as its Today Special Value and I ordered us one! It's a Noble Fir @ 7.5 feet. I wanted the 9ft but DH put his foot down hard with a smil! :peekleaves2:

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Jodie » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:02 am

It is a work day for me, so I have been doing Business Activity Statements for GST reporting - exciting, I know :lol:

I would rather be wrapping Christmas presents - I will be later on as I want to post up my sisters stuff for her and her family.

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Mrs.Claus » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:42 am

I'm playing forum catch up and hopefully some Christmas planning catch up too. I'm over the 24 hour flu we had but am still quite exhausted, so not trying to over do anything. But laundry needs to get going again.
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Merry Sage » Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:57 pm

Ran some errands, housework, then spent a chunk of the afternoon wrapping Christmas presents.

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Jodie » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:26 pm

It is only 10.23am (7th January) here at the moment and already I have:
Taken the dog for a walk
Done an hour of exercise (not including the dogs walk) - I am on a health kick
Washed and dried a load of clothes
Watered all the outside plants because it is going to be 104F here today
Had breakfast and tidied up th kitchen

I am also taking down my Christmas trees today - most of the other decorations came down last week but I left the trees up for just a bit longer.

I also have to change the linen on my bed from my Christmas quilt to my summer quilt.

Have a great day everyone

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Noel+ » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:43 am

That four letter word: work. I'm scheduled the next 19 out of 21 days........and I need to put away the Christmas decorations, clean house, shop, do laundry, and pay the bills! My poor family!

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Merry Sage » Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:34 am

We're in the midst of getting ourselves back to Canada so much of my time is spent on that. Your all going to be sick of hearing about it by the time it finally happens! I know I am, and I'm the one going. :P

Today I got laundry put away, a curry made for Kev's supper tonight and phone calls to a realtor in Nova Scotia about a prospective apartment for rent and to one of the movers, chivvying them along with their quote. Business is so brisk you have to chase them for this stuff is it? :razzberry:

I've also started reading another business book. This one is on how to maximize your sites standings on search engines.
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby nettescraps » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:47 pm

It's only 9:20am right now. I am a high school teacher but right now it is break time so I am cruising CAY for some holiday cheer.
Today I do not have to cover Study Hall after school so I can go home at a reasonable time. :D I still need to figure out what to make for dinner. It will probably involve a healthy chicken dish since my DH and I are in a family Biggest Loser Challenge. I also have to help my DD make her teacher a birthday card for Friday (and by help, I mean giving her the supplies to make the card because as a scrapbooker I have a tough time holding back my need to put my input in on any art project). Lastly, and what I am dreading, I have to wach all the dishes in one of my kitchen cabinets because we had ants and the ant spray dripped onto these dishes. :angry:
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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Noel+ » Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:59 am

WORK. I am so relieved to be home, on my puter catching up at CAY, and able to sleep past 8am in the morning [Lord willing! :lol: }

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Re: What did you do today?

Postby Mrs.Claus » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:14 pm

I'll be starting laundry soon and have been looking for oldest recorder for a few days now. I know when we last saw it, but then we had company over and it got put somewhere save. Now if only we could figure out where "save" is. So basically I'm messing up the house looking for it. Wish me luck.
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