Hello everyone,
Sorry I have been MIA for a while - so much going on and Uni is painful this time around (so much work and so little time to get it all done).
I wish I had more time to catch up and read what everyone has been doing, hopefully life will slow down a bit soon and I can breathe again.
Just noticed that CK is doing spring cleaning - well our summer is still here and I am looking forward to autumn (fall) that starts tomorrow, then winter. Winter means Christmas in July. My little Christmas fix in the middle of the year.
I have been watching my Christmas movies while I do my assignments for Uni and it relaxes me so much I fell asleep yesterday. But I am on a study break now and thought that a little bit of Christmas would be just so nice right now.
I still have my big red and white garland up over the unit in the dining room - Dan asked when I was going to take it down and number 2 son said that I was not - that there was no point, I may as well leave it up until Christmas in July now. I just laughed... He said at least that sorts out what theme to have this year - red and white
Noel I noticed that your mother has not been well - I hope she is recovering. You have had to endure some of lifes hardest lessons of late and I wish peace and joy for you and your family. Will keep you in my prayers.
Hello Mrs C, merry Sage, mistletoe misfit, nettescraps and everyone else.
Wishing you all the happiness of Christmas every day of the year