Here's the letter I wrote on behalf of Santa.
July 25, 2008
Dear Senior Preschool children and educators,
HoHoHo! Greeting from the North Pole.
I am Santa. I’m sorry to say, I cannot come to visit for your Christmas in July party. I checked my schedule and discovered I have too many things to do today. We’re taking the reindeer for a practice flight, adding stuffing to new rag-dolls and teddy bears; we also have a visit planned at the North Bay waterfront later this afternoon.
I’m writing this letter so one of your teachers can share it with you. I know in another year or two, you will be able to read my letters yourselves. Isn’t that exciting!
Shawna called the North Pole Headquarters and spoke with Jingles, one of my Elves. There are many elves with different jobs around here and I am lucky to have the extra help. I would not be able to get everything done without their help. I know a hard worker named Bob and he needs help from his friends to get the job done. That’s why your parents, teachers and friends need your help sometimes. Do your best to help and don’t forget to ask for help when you need it instead of getting frustrated.
I’m sure you will send me your Christmas Wish List after Halloween; I always look forward to hearing from you. Christmas is 153 days away.
Shawna is a funny one. She always asks for the same four presents every year from me. Do you know what they are? I don’t think you will be able to guess even if you guess for a long, long while. I will tell you. Don’t tell her I told you. Just tell her you know a secret about what she wants for Christmas. Since she was a little girl, Shawna always asks for a can of corn to make sure nobody forgets to make some for Christmas dinner and two Clementine oranges because they’re so sweet and she can’t eat chocolates or cookies. She also asks for a metal slinky that can go downstairs alone or in pairs and makes a slinky sound. The other gift she asks for is a real horse. I tell her every year that I can’t fit a horse into my sleigh and that she lives in an apartment and a horse just wouldn’t have enough room to be happy there. She asks anyways because that’s her special wish. She’s always happy with any surprise I leave for her. I hope you will be happy with the surprises I leave for you in December.
Have a fun day, boys and girls! Bye-Bye-For-Now! HoHoHo Merry Christmas in July!
Santa Claus
& Jingles (Headquarters Reception Elf)

My husband read it and said, "honey, it's all about you." I just smiled. HaHa.