My mom and I always make baking baskets full of assorted homemade cookies and even fudge. We also slipped in a DVD. Two years ago we put the baked goods in large baskets. We got the baskets from the dollar store, we also bought tissue paper from the dollar was also affordable and a wonderful memory that will last a lifetime!
Just last year we put the cookies in holiday tins. For close family we also added a bottle of wine.....
How about everyone else? Are you all going to bake? If so, what?
Oh, and I made peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies (with shredded candy cane!), db chocolate cookies, chocolate cookies, raisin oatmeal cookies....I'm hoping to make the same next year. Oh, and I also made ginger bread in the shape of smiley faces and ice skates! It was fun decorating them with sprinkles and colourful icing sugars!

We also made a gingerbread house.